Week 13 - Final Adjustments
With a week and a half to go we are well and truly into crunch time for the project. There is still plenty to do but we started the week with great progress. I messaged professional voice actor Kelly Baskin on Instagram asking if she could help with our voice lines. She has now voiced the player lines, opening and closing cutscenes as well as the fortune teller character. She also recommended speaking to Triya Leong who has voiced the snake charmer and quick-change artist. We are so incredibly happy with the results and are very lucky to have worked with them. I then used the software Audacity to cut up the voice lines into individual clips to implement into Unity.
On Wednesday our lecturer James spared an hour to help me implement the voice lines and bug fix a couple of problems. The current issue is that the voice lines when in conversation with each character progress in a certain order (regardless of the branching narrative). When having another meeting with him on Friday we swiftly managed to change this so that the voice lines are now corresponding to the narrative (simply by making sure the dialogue scripts reference our .xml files instead) as well as fixing the in-level UI. We also identified and fixed a quest bug (where we had added dialogue to the ladies when it wasn't their quest this had essentially turned their quest requests back on).
NPC Audio Files on the canvas and the change in script for the audio clips -
We also put a placeholder opening cutscene into the game so that all me and my teammate have to do next week is swap out the movie clip. I am hoping to duplicate this scene twice next week and change the loading scenes so that we have a closing scene and credits sequence as well.
I have been working on finalising the cutscene models for some last-minute photography next week. Instead of digital images we are attempting to model the cutscene images to then photograph to give the clips more of a hand-made charm and embed the dolls house visuals. Using the storyboarding that I previously made, myself and my teammate are working on environmental features and outfits for the characters respectively.
Going into the final week I have made one more list of things left to do:
Make opening, closing and credit sequences and implement.
Copy and paste all assets in first level to be in second and third level too (fully textured and in the same position)
Swap out the UI for imagery that stands out more
Adjust the lighting in all scenes
Enhance the 3D modelling in the environment
Swap in 3D modelled and animated characters
These last two points we can do after the deadline. We can add as much or as little detail as we want at this point for the environment but unfortunately the character modelling is not an easy task to implement before then.