Week 9 - Implementation Week
This week I made the first narrative flow chart for easier implementation into the .xml system that our lecturer kindly showed us how to put together. I also made variations on our first narrative conversations in the form of flow charts to test the snake charmer's dialogue. We want to compare the storytelling style with both dialogue and description included in comparison to the purely dialogue-driven format.
I posted these narratives on a discord server I run for game design students and asked for their feedback. Here's what we received:
- "Adding a narrator could give quite a nice effect, with having voice actors reading the character lines and then the Narrator reading the in-between parts of the story. Maybe the Narrator is the main character recalling events or something..."
- " I think the story based style could be more effective, its very much a tossup between what you're showing on screen and what you'd like to fill in with the words you're presenting to the reader"
- "I love this! It brings so much character to Vipera and also brings out so many possibilities with the dialogue choices"
- "Perhaps each choice could lead to a different thing about your mother being discovered, so that entices the player to go through every route in order to piece together what happened? I don't know, its not my game but love the interactions!"
This feedback has been really great to receive. We had plans to implement voice acting and multiple pathways leading to more varied endings however due to our current time restraints we have really scoped the game back. If at all possible I would like to prioritise including voice acting and enhancing the endings to each narrative (perhaps by adding individualised visuals, short cutscenes in a flashback style etc.) to create a much more in-depth experience to the simpler game we are now aiming to produce. By adding voice acting we will be able to make the experience more rounded by utilising our audio to the utmost as well as making the game more accessible - some people may not be comfortable reading too much text on screen at once so having it read aloud in character will massively benefit our audience.