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Olivia Gregory
Final Project - Semester 1
Week 1 - Brief & First Ideas
Week 2 - Simulation & Idea Development
Week 3 - Presentation & Idea Refinement
Week 4 - Speculative Design
Week 5 - Deep Dive Presentation
Week 6 - Emma Reay
Reading Week - Prototyping
Week 8 - Preparing final ideas
Week 9 - Final Ideas Presentation
Week 10 - Document and Designs
Christmas Break
Week 11 - Lockdown Learning
Week 12 - Presenting the final idea
Week 13 - Document Hand In
Final Project - Semester 2
Week 1 - Branding
Week 2 - Music
Week 3 - First Environment Tests
Week 4 - Playtest Preparation
Week 5 - Playtesting and Feedback
Week 6 - Main Mechanics
Week 7 - Easter Break
Week 8 - Filling the Environment
Week 9 - Implementation Week
Week 10 - Final few weeks
Week 11 - Gameplay Content
Week 12 - Cutscenes & Cleanup
Week 13 - Final Adjustments
Week 14 - Deadline
Professional Contexts
Playful Thinking
Lectures & Extra Research
Direct & Indirect Gaming
Dice-Based Mechanics
Binomial Distribution
Card-based Systems
In-Game Economies
CSV Files (Comma Seperated Values)
Introduction Information
To start the professional contexts module we were given an opening video describing the content we could expect and the resources...
Lucy Kyriakidou
This week we spoke to Lucy, a freelance 2D Games Artist. She spoke profoundly about learning from people, not just admiring them, and...
Matteo Menepace
Matteo is an independent game maker who focuses on applying real-world thinking to fun interactive games. He spoke passionately about his...
Emily Brown
This week we spoke to Emily Brown, lead game designer as UsTwo Games, currently working on Alba. Emily has a background in human and...
Lili Ibrahim
This week we spoke to Lili Ibrahim, Lead Artist at UsTwo Games. This talk focussed on the studio dynamic and core skills we need for the...
Joel Beardshaw
Today we spoke to Joel Beardshaw, Lead Game Designer at UsTwo Games. (UsTwo Games, 2021) Today’s talk was about the recruitment process,...
Dan Bernardo, Mark Rands & Boris Randelov
This week we spoke to Dan Bernardo from Playtra Games and Mark Rands and Boris Randelov from Barclays Eagle Lab. (Playtra Games, 2021) As...
Melissa Chaplin
Our first talk was from Melissa Chaplin, head of client strategy at game if you are, “a marketing and PR agency that specialises in indie...
Professional Contexts Module
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