Matteo is an independent game maker who focuses on applying real-world thinking to fun interactive games. He spoke passionately about his current project working with Pandemic creator Matt Leacock on a board game designed to make players understand the consequences of global warming and how to avoid environmental damage. I particularly love this comment on his website which encapsulates the approach I take to game design;

(, 2021)
Matteo emphasised the importance of social media and how the way you market yourself is more than just a personality – it’s a brand. He describes how Matt messaged him on twitter after a chance comment led to their current project so we must never underestimate the power of communication. This has helped him to reach out to much wider audiences and a vast amount of knowledge and experience he would not have had access to otherwise.
His other important point was to note everything down - ideas, sketches, brainstorms and anything that can help to communicate ideas, not only with your team but with your community too. He spoke briefly about the challenges they faced in playtesting and how the game was too long or too complex and this highlights that even with experience you cannot assume an understanding of how people will interact with a new concept.
What struck me the most was Matteo’s love for game design. His passion has led to contacts and opportunities I aspire to create for myself. We had an opportunity to discuss our ideas with him and this conversation helped me to realise two things. Firstly, I was able to communicate my idea so he could summarise it into one sentence and repeat it back to me which is a level of understanding I have been aiming for in this project. I also heard myself explaining my idea and saying it aloud to somebody else made me see very clearly where the gaps in my designs were. Going forward I need to have more confidence in my work as well as using every chance I get to discuss ideas and iterate my designs to create the best outcome.
References, 2021. Learn. (Online) Available at: (Accessed 10th January 2021).